
Christianity & Islam:

A Comparative


A God Who Loves

A God Who Hates

Religion vs.


The Qur'an:

Divine or Human?




Christianity and Islam:
A Comparative Synopsis

Along with Judaism and Christianity, Islam claims to be one of the three Abrahamic religions given by God. Additionally, Islam also claims that Muhammad—along with Moses and Jesus—preached essentially the same message.   Christianity and Islam: A Comparative Synopsis examines the fundamental beliefs and values of orthodox Islam and those of orthodox Christianity to shed light on how Islamic and Biblical moral values and truths are at odds with one another.

A God Who Loves

Unlike the transcendent and unapproachable god of Islam, Christianity claims that God is a personal and caring God whose very essence and character is love, and whose love toward His creation has been fully accomplished, justified and manifested through Jesus Christ's death on the Cross to atone for the sins of all mankind.

A God Who Hates

Are women and men equal in Islam?   Are women in Islam treated with dignity and honor?

Learn the truth about how Islam oppresses women and denies them basic human freedoms and rights. Furthermore, Islam debases women through polygamy, victimizes them through pedophilia, and subjects women to the cruel and barbaric practices of honor killings and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

Religion vs. Relationship

As with all religions which focus on salvation through works, Islam's path to God is through blind obedience to rules and regulations and good works. Unlike the Muslim god Allah, the Christian God’s plan for man’s salvation and having a personal relationship with Him is told throughout the Bible. As such, His plan is not based on people’s merits and good works, but on His amazing Love and amazing Grace for His creation expressed through Jesus Christ's atoning death on the Cross.

The Qur'an: Divine or Human?

Islam claims that the Qur'an is the word of Allah as originally revealed to Muhammad. It is claimed to be written in pure, classical Arabic and to contain the unaltered and direct words of God.

However, a critical analysis of the Qur'an reveals, in fact, a very human and flawed origin of the Muslim holy book....


Has the Bible been corrupted?  Did Jesus Christ really die on the cross?  Do Christians believe in three Gods?

These are some the more common objections raised by Muslims based on Islam's view of the Bible and Christianity, and which historical facts (and the Qur'an itself) will readily dismiss.